Price per KM represents the base reward including the market change. For each Cargo Trucky can predict with a good approximation how much a job based on its distance will pay considering all bonues. Other costs like fines, transports, tollgates, fuel, renting are not included.
PriceO preço peor KM represents the base rewarda a recompensa base, including the market change. For each Cargo Trucky can predict with a gooddo a mudança de mercado. Para cada carga registrada no Trucky, pode-se prever com uma boa approximation how much a job based on itsção quanto um trabalho com base em sua distaânce will pay considering allia pagará, considerando todos os boônues. Otherutros coustos like finecomo multas, transportes, tollgates, fuel, renting are notpedágios, combustível, aluguel não estão includedídos.
Only Manual ParkingSomente Estacionamento Manual