Adding the Live Map Widget and two charts could cause FPS drops. Use them carefully
Adding the Live Map Widget and two charts could cause FPS drops. Use them carefullyicionar o Widget de Mapa em Direto e dois gráficos pode causar quedas de FPS. Utilize-os com cuidado
This is the key you should usually hit to enable lights based on your game settings.
This is the key you should usually hit to enable lights based on your game settingsEsta é a tecla que normalmente deve ser premida para ativar as luzes com base nas definições do jogo.
With Auto Lights, your Truck Lights will be enabled automatically when you start the engine, regardless of daytime.
With Auto Lights, your Truck Lights will be enabled automatically when you start the engine, regardless of daytimeCom as Luzes Automáticas, as luzes do camião são ativadas automaticamente quando liga o motor, independentemente do dia.
Words separated by comma (,) without spaces. If the chat line contains one of these words, will be highlighted in yellow.
WordPalavras separated by comma (,) withoutdas por vírgula (,) sem espaceços. If the chat line contains one of these words, will be highlighted in yellowSe a linha de conversação contiver uma destas palavras, será destacada a amarelo.
ding the Live Map Widget and two charts could cause FPS drops. Use them carefullyicionar o Widget de Mapa em Direto e dois gráficos pode causar quedas de FPS. Utilize-os com cuidado