Using the Discord Webhook the Server will send messages about users logging-in and exiting the server and when the server is up or down
Using the使用 Discord Webhookthe Server will send messages about users logging-in and exiting the server and when the server is up or down,伺服器將傳送關於玩家登入和離開伺服器的訊息,以及伺服器啟動或關閉的訊息
If you don't specify a Logon Token, the Server will be reachable only using a Session ID. Create your Logon Token here
If you don't specify a Logon Token, the Server will be reachable only using a Session ID. Create your Logon Token here如果您沒有指定登入令牌,伺服器將只能使用會話 ID。在此建立登入令牌
Provision Server預定伺服器