The Salary will be paid weekly for each member in your Company. You can pay an additional value for each role
The Salary will be paid weekly for each member in your Company. You can pay an additional value for each roleO salário será pago semanalmente por cada membro da sua Empresa. Pode pagar um valor adicional por cada cargo
Are you a Subscriber but Premium Features are not enabled? Click here and discover how to link your Steam Account
Are you a Subscriber but Premium Features are not enabled? Click here andÉ Subscritor mas as Funcionalidades Premium não estão ativadas? Clique aqui e diescover how to link your Steam Accountubra como conectar a sua conta Steam
the mix of the two upon. Manage a real Trucking Company and compete for who drive more
the mix of the two upon. Manage a real Trucking Company and compete for who drive morea mistura dos dois em cima. Gerir uma Empresa de Camionagem real e competir por quem conduz mais
one thing is important: how much you and your members drive, no revenues, no economy. Companies of this type participate to the Leaderboards.
one thing isuma coisa é importante: how much you and your members drive, no revenues, no economy. Companies of this type participate to the Leaderboardso quanto você e os seus membros conduzem, sem receitas, sem economia. As Empresas deste tipo participam nas tabelas de classificação.
will manage a real budget, owning Garages, a Fleet, assigning vehicles to members, checking revenues and vehicles maintenance cost.
will manage a real budget, owningirá gerir um orçamento real, possuir Garagens, uma Fleet, assigning vehicles torota, atribuir veículos aos memberos, checking revenues and vehicles maintenance cverificar as receitas e os custos de manutenção dos veículost.