Touch Portal is a mobile and desktop application enabling remote control from your phone directly to the game. The special integration Trucky has, exchange game data and events with your phone animating your custom buttons. From Touch Portal you can control many Trucky features like traffic reports and video capture without using the hotkeys.
Touch Portal是一款移动和桌面应用程序,可实现从手机到游戏的远程控制。 Trucky的特殊集成功能可与您的手机交换游戏数据和事件,并设置自定义按钮的动画。 通过Touch Portal,无需使用热键,您就可以控制交通报告和视频捕获等许多重要功能。 is a mobile and desktop application enabling remote control from your phone directly to the game. The special integration Trucky has, exchange game data and events with your phone animating your custom buttons. From Touch Portal you can control many Trucky features like traffic reports and video capture without using the hotkeys.
You can add others widgets or remove the default ones. Just click here on the Plus button. There are over 30 widgets available
您可以添加其他小部件或删除默认小部件。 只需单击此处的加号按钮即可。 有超过 30 个小部件可用You can add others widgets or remove the default ones. Just click here on the Plus button. There are over 30 widgets available
You can move this window to a second monitor and out of the game.<br />This window is also resizable so you can adjust the size for your needs
您可以将此窗口移到第二个显示器上并退出游戏。You can move this window to a second monitor and out of the game.<br/>此窗口也可以根据您的需要调整大小This window is also resizable so you can adjust the size for your needs
实时地图背景色Live Map Background Color