If the job added caused an economy reset and you have been teleported to your base garage, you are adding a job that is not permitted or is not spawn-able
如果添加的货运任务导致经济重置,并且您已被传送到您的车库,则您正在添加一个不允许或无法生成的作业If the job added caused an economy reset and you have been teleported to your base garage, you are adding a job that is not permitted or is not spawn-able
You can't find the cargo you want in the 'Cargo' list, this means that the game isn't generating any loads for that cargo
当您在“货物”列表中找不到你想要的货物,这意味着游戏没有为货物生成任何装载量You can't find the cargo you want in the 'Cargo' list, this means that the game isn't generating any loads for that cargo
您可以沿正常方向或相反方向驾驶路线You can drive the route in normal direction or opposite direction